Chantelle Sass

Client Experience Manager

Chantelle's people-centric approach and understanding of project delivery means she's here to make your Hot Black journey an enjoyable one!

Chantelle’s industry experience stretches over a decade and, with a strong background in project and relationship management, she’s across it all!

Chantelle’s role at Hot Black is to nurture a project from start to finish, lending an ear and actioning where required. From a project perspective, Chantelle’s involvement will be to manage the account and relationship, acting as a conduit with the client and team. She’s not afraid of problem solving, is an excellent listener and has the client’s needs in her best interests – she’s here to make your Hot Black journey an enjoyable one!

In addition to account management, she also liaises closely with the head of Sales & Marketing, supporting the sales team with submission and pitching as well as executing on strategic marketing objective.

Chantelle prides herself on keeping her finger on the pulse of Melbourne’s best hospitality venues. When she hasn’t got a restaurant reservation with friends, she’s probably on a weekend getaway in regional Victoria or at least planning the next one.

Chantelle’s favourite project